November 3, 2021

FreightWorks Salutes Military Veterans Driving Our Nation Forward

In a recent conversation with FreightWorks VP of Operations, Joyce Siqueira, l was surprised to learn that 1-in-5 of our professional drivers have faithfully served our country in the US military. With Veteran’s Day just ahead on November 11th it’s appropriate to reflect on the vital role vets in the United States play in the transportation and logistics supply chain.

Transitioning from military service to being a trucking and logistics “service provider” has been a trend likely to grow for a host of reasons. It’s often a great move for a man or woman who through their military service have learned to work independently, on demanding schedules, and with top notch performance.

A clear driver shortfall in the trucking industry could be a windfall for many military veterans. According to FTR Transportation Intelligence, the industry is facing a shortfall of at least 300,000 qualified drivers, and many trucking companies have increased starting salaries and bonuses in hopes of attracting new drivers. That's great news for veterans! The American Trucking Association has made a commitment to hiring as many as 100,000 veterans, and many trucking companies have adopted veteran hiring programs that provide hiring preferences and additional resources.

At FreightWorks we take seriously and passionately our commitments to drivers from every walk of life. Having said that and on the occasion of a national recognition of all those who have faithfully defended all we hold dear it’s a great chance to say “Thanks you” and also remind any veteran with a CDL that we are ready to speak 24/7 about whether your next assignment should be with us. We salute you!

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